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Sunday, September 23, 2012

BFRO Report 35631: Woman sees a tall figure at night outside her home in a subdivision south of Leesburg

BFRO Report 35631: Woman sees a tall figure at night outside her home in a subdivision south of Leesburg

"The witness went outside her house around midnight to put the trash out on the curb. On the night of May 30, 2012, the moon was a waxing gibbous and five days away from being full so there was enough light to see a silhouette standing by the neighbor’s fence. She saw what appeared to be a large head and very full shoulders standing behind a 6 ft. fence; it was looking towards her. The back fence was about 50 ft. from where she was standing and although she could not see facial details, she was able to see long hair moving in the wind around the head and shoulders. She thought at first it might be a prowler, but quickly realized how tall it was to stand head and shoulders over a 6 ft. fence. She felt very uneasy and could feel the hair on her neck stand up in fear. Quickly dragging her can to the curb, she retreated inside the house.

Once inside her dog uncharacteristically began growling. She let him out, and it stayed out longer than usual. When he returned after repeated calls, it was from the direction of where the silhouette had been.

Later that night when she went to sleep, a loud bang was heard. It seemed something had hit the bedroom wall which is located in the back of her house. With further questioning I learned that on occasion, late at night, the family experiences sounds that seem to be objects hitting the back wall loudly, or small rocks/acorns hitting the back windows.

At another time when she and her husband came home, they thought a person had gone through their trash because the bag had been opened neatly and taken out of the can. It was obvious an animal had not gotten into it because there was not a mess. Also the can had not been tipped over.

The subdivision literally sits on the border of Lee County and Dougherty County. It is within 3 miles of
Report #18707 and Report #24393.

After speaking with the witness and researching the local area, I believe she may have seen a Sasquatch. The unexplainable sounds of things hitting the house supports typical Sasquatch behavior too. When looking at the location of her house it is possible that Bigfoots go scavenging through the new neighborhood from the forest. Garbage cans and backyard gardens could provide a food source."

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