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Sunday, September 23, 2012

BFRO Report 1091: Albert Ostman account -- Multiple-day encounter with family of Sasquatches

BFRO Report 1091: Albert Ostman account -- Multiple-day encounter with family of Sasquatches

Albert Ostman had written his story before I met him. When he was asked to recall all he could of his encounter with the sasquatch back in 1924 he went about it by gathering whatever he could locate from that other period in his life, including among other things a shopping list for one of his prospecting trips. Then he set about rebuilding the experience in detail, including his own actions prior to and following the actual encounter, in an attempt to re-enter, as much as possible, the scene of events that took place more than 30 years ago.

When he was later asked if he would swear to the accuracy of the account he made it clear that he could do so only as to the main elements of the story, not the surrounding detail. The above is the story he wrote. If someone told it now it would probably be laughed off, even by sasquatch enthusiasts, because detailed information is readily available in print and several people have made up slightly similar accounts of adventures with the hairy giants. For Albert Ostman there was no pattern to follow. Some of the things he said of the sasquatch have not been confirmed by the hundreds of later reports. No one else, for instance, has described anything like bark and moss blankets. But his descriptions of the creatures themselves, which were at variance with the common impression at that time, have been confirmed over and over again.

The only other information that has come to my attention which appears to have a bearing on the Ostman story was a comment by an old friend of mine that he had first heard of the sasquatch in the early 1930’s from a trapper at Toba Inlet who said he knew a young Swede who had been carried off by one.

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