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Tuesday, April 24, 2012

My Message to Stu, ZZ and Other Members of

To Stu (Patterson), ZZ (or Stuzz for short) and all of's
Forum Members including RMM and hroth whom I have kept in contact
with via email.

From a previous post on here:

One of my longtime opponents, from,
Stu Patterson has posted the following about me:

Subject: Maybe I'll start up a Legal Defence Fund myself

From: Stu
Rob's Mysterious World of the Paranormal, Cryptozoology, Odd news!:'s Top Two Forum Trolls - ZZ and Stu

Yep, our old pal Robert Kiehn is at it again, as recently as
April 2nd no less (shame it wasn't a day earlier, the post was tailor-made).

Some choice quotes from Frothy's rant:

ZZ The Mod

Her solution to someone she dislikes on the forums is simply banning
them rather then defeating them in debate.

Stu The Sociopath

Not a gentleman nor a troll, Stu is a mix of someone who hates
others as well as himself.

Also, note his use of an image of a young man with Down's Syndrome
to try to portray us as 'stupid'. And the IDiot claims he was unfairly banned.....

Now, if JJ can get away with launching an action against
people for calling him a crazy gun-carrier...........

I don't have a PayPal account, but if you want to just send cheques
or do international bank transfers, details shall be provided on request.

Note that it's Defense. Well Stu's English anyway so nevermind....

Stu knows how to make drama and is good at making baseless claims,
dehumanizing opponents and generally has little regard for others or empathy.
Stu also makes empty threats and is one of the sites major bully's. Stu
goes on rants himself. Again these people have used the words "retarded"
and "mentally disabled" as well as accusations of people who profess faith
to have mental illness or be psychotic such as YEC's for example.

ZZ (another forum member) followed me on youtube,
making false accusations against me, and making threats
to sue me on numerous occasions.

The forums on said site are full of at least a dozen trolls
who use psychology such as ZZ and Stu to win friends,
influence people and generally insult and again dehumanize anyone
who disagrees with their own worldviews.

I am a former member of that was banned
simply for expressing my worldviews that some other did not like
and disagreed with.

I've apologized via facebook to Gerry Bacon for some of my
intolerant comments in the past on the forums (even though my friends
from Europe, The UK, Canada, etc did not deem them offensive when
I asked them what they thought of my comments some of them via facebook)
pertaining to the E vs C forums.

I was, again, a former member on (under the name TheForthcoming02)
and enjoyed debating on the forum's for while, particularly the Evolution vs
Creationism forum until things started to get out of hand and turned very
hostile for simply expressing my worldviews on certain subjects such as
evolution, religion, etc (which I have changed now that I'm more liberal)

The forums are always interesting to read but, again, full of trolls and bully's
that have taken over the site, namely Stu and ZZ among them.

Gerry Bacon, The Moderator and Cisco, The Owner of the site do
not get involved that much except when a friend is insulted or when
they are offended themselves.

I am also a former YEC (Young Earth Creationist) which is one reason why
I was attacked on the forums so much. I do admit I was uneducated in
some important scientific issues which greatly angered some people
on the forums.

Since then, I've read several books from National Geographic, watched
numerous PBS and NOVA programs and have taken college course on
Zoology and Biology. I've also read Evolution for Dummies and some books
by Ernst Meyer and others on Evolutionary Biology and other science related

My views are now:

-The Earth is at least 4 billion years old or more

-Evolution is a fact

-Evolution is also compatible with ID

-I understand Science better

-Gay Rights advocate on facebook
and Civil Rights advocate as well
which my close to 1,000 friends
can attest too on facebook.

See my profile on by searching Robert Kiehn which
is me btw for a list of books that I've read, am currently reading and will read.

I was not in the right mindset back then and was
dealing with health issues pertaining to Type 1 Diabetes
and Asperger's Syndrome as well as Depression.

However, it is still no excuse to call me or others names, hurl insults,
vulgarities towards me and others. Everybody has a right to
believe what they wish regarding religion, faith, etc.

The attacks on not just me but Hootowl, redwood777
and yes even hroth at times as well as some other forum
members are full of logical fallacy's, hypocrisy, one sidedness
and even threats.

I did send an email to Cisco, the owner of the site,
from a few days ago with a suggestion that a
Research Dept. be established on the site
(and also a heartfelt apology for some of my past
comments that offended a few people on the site)
so the site could help contribute more to
subjects pertaining to Cryptozoology and
the field itself more though since the site is
run by skeptics and trolls it may fall on deaf ears.

I also think my intellectual friend U.S. Army Chaplain Major Pastor Joe F.
(Ret.) said it best which I will post again:

"As far as those idiots on (the internet go), remember this one key factor; "These individuals themselves are angered because they're lost. They are lost in their own lives, their own dreams, their friends and family life may not be going the way they had hoped. Most of the time, they blame the world for their own faults, their own losses, etc. Don't let them bring you down too."

Just remember this whenever you see a post you don't like or don't agree with, everybody has a right to post what they desire, (whether it be atheists, satanists, Catholics, neo-nazis, etc.). It's what men and women who served in the United States Armed Forces have fought for, for decades so that any and everybody has a voice.

As long as you respect everybody's interpretation of what allows them to sleep at night, (wther it's right or wrong), then you'll be okay. There's hundreds of people out there that don't agree with what I state, but it doesn't bother me.

Remember, something you preach often, being Christian, about accepting the way of God. The real meaning of what God wants from you and all is ACCEPTANCE. Who really cares what the other person believes in as long as you know what you understand and believe in your own heart, mind and soul." -Joe

Well said Joe.

Let's see if Stu posts this on the site. I think not.

p.s. The E vs C forum reminds me of 1930's/1940's Nazi Germany for many reasons.
My two favorite forum members from Can you guess who they are?
Just see for yourself by going over there to the forums ;)



  1. PS It is indeed 'defence', standard English spelling.

    'Defense' is the recent Americanised version.

  2. Why did you delete my previous comment, Robert? You know, the one informing you that you've committed an obvious privacy violation under Blogger's T&Cs? Don't you want people to know you're in the wrong & that people will act against you when that's the case?

    First, posting an image of a young man with Down's Syndrome to try to insult someone. Now, the glorious irony of an American comparing me to Hitler. Really, you just can't help yourself, can you?

    Feel free to delete replies any time you like, it's little odds to me. Actions are still being taken, & if you don't remove these blogs on request from Blogger, I'll just step it up to the next level & involve both you & Blogger in ensuing legal actions. I'm sure Blogger won't want that.

    Maybe you can tell me, after all this time, why you decided to start your vendetta again? No-one at talks about or even barely remembers you. Why do you continue to stalk & namecall? I thought you had your Asperger's under control? It might be time to look at that again.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Keep deleting my posts, but you won't silence me from challenging your trollish & disgusting behaviour in mocking those with Down's Syndrome, claiming fake friends, making fake YouTube channels & so on. There are around 10 reports now which have gone in against these so-called blogs & Google are taking note. You've libelled me, infringed my copyright & compared me to a minority handicapped group. These are all punishable & you're also bringing Blogger into disrepute. Welcome to the real world.
