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Monday, April 23, 2012

Cryptozoology Part Deux

It has come to the attention of the Cryptozoology Community that a user on the website
by the name of "Wildphotographer" or his real name John Johnsen is taking the legal action against the popular website Cryptomundo.

Craig Woolheater states from his blog post on Cryptomundo that:

"Cryptomundo and Loren Coleman have been sued for defamation by a member of the site, John Johnsen (click here to see a copy of the Complaint). Both Cryptomundo and Loren believe the case is baseless. Mr. Johnsen has demanded that he be given ownership of the website to settle the case. This is simply not acceptable.

We don’t think that seeing Cryptomundo disappear is something that Cryptomundians want to see happen"

I can't post anymore then that, but see here for more of what's going on and please read the comments
as well:

Cryptomundo is asking for donations. I may help out and I urge others who go there to
help out as well with their legal defense fund.

On a side note here is a post from from the plaintiff's side:

Re: stalwart launches legal takeover bid for Cryptomundo!

"In all fairness, this has been coming for a long, long time, and the complaint only scratches the surface. I am not happy that I had to resort to this, nor am I happy with the speculation by some here and elsewhere that it is childish and trivial. I expect comments like that from those who judge without knowing the full story. I have posted this as my one and only response and will ask Cisco or Gerry (if he is still out there) to remove this post and block any other reference to it. If you support my efforts thank you. If you do not, go to CM and donate but without the entire history, which I refuse to relate, you cannot judge my actions."

I support Cryptomundo fully on this issue regarding the lawsuit in question which, imo, has no merit
though I only know basic law and am not an expert in law or lawyer. is a good site (I know many people on it including Gerry Bacon the moderator
and Cisco the owner) but the site suffers from too many trolls on the forums and people with big ego's
and little regard for others feelings.

I think Lon said it best from Phantoms and Monsters regarding this issue:

"NOTE: I'm not taking sides in this matter but I will say that it doesn't surprise me why people suddenly quit the Bigfoot community. The bickering and back-biting is tiresome and, frankly, makes everyone involved in the research look like idiots to non-believers and others. Simply, it's drama we don't need...Lon"

Hope Loren Coleman, Craig Woolheater and all of the Cryptomundo bloggers and even posters win
this one! -Rob


Dennis Jones, friend, well educated intellectual and ID advocate as well as paralegal
has issued this advice pertaining to legal matters via facebook:

  • "Defamation is a real cause of action. If the allegations are proven in a court of law to be true, a jury could decide in favor of the plaintiff Johnson. Seeking ownership of the website is ridiculous and never would be awarded. Basically, what the plaintiff has to do is prove how the defamation harmed them financially, and express their loss in terms of monetary damages. If the jury decided in favor of Johnson, then Cryptomundo would be liable to pay whatever the financial damage the court finds was incurred."

    Search on Google for Dennis page on ID by searching: Dennis Jones ID.

    Thanks Dennis for your input into this matter and for looking at the link
    I sent you to Cryptomundo's Legal Issue.


  1. You don't know Gerry Bacon & Cisco Serret. In fact, it was Gerry Bacon who BANNED you for your ridiculous smear campaign against forum members there - you made fake accounts on YouTube in their name & posted videos about them on YouTube. Then you posted a blog here about them with a horrible image of a young lad with Down's Syndrome that you thought indicated 'stupidity'. You're a terrible liar & a pitiful excuse for a blogger. No wonder no-one reads or comments on your miserable little rants.

  2. I never smeared anybody on the forum. Rather it is the other way around. ZZ, Stu and other cowards (such as yourself who his their true identity) that attacked me for simply expressing my worldviews on Evolution, Atheism, Religion and Homosexuality. The attacks on me included stealing my profile pictures, insults, ad homs, logical fallacy's, hypocrisy, demonization, dehumanization, posting my last name numerous times for no reason, slander, false accusations, lies, etc.

    Since those days I've become more liberal, have made several gay friends on facebook and am now a Civil Rights and Gay Rights advocate. My almost 1,000 on facebook now of this. They are mostly liberal people from various country's such as The UK, Canada, Europe, etc.

    People have seen and know it for what it is. A site run by bully's and trolls. There is a reason many people in the Cryptozoology community such as Loren Coleman and Chad Arment, among many others, stay off the site. Those few forum posters and bloggers such as Stu and ZZ that actually run the site remind me (Godwin's Law yeah I know) of High Ranking Nazi's for various reasons.

  3. You have the audacity to accuse me of making fun of disabled people when you and others on those forums have called people retarded, mentally disabled, mentally challenged, insane and or this:

    Evolution deniers are mentally ill Stu Tue, Apr 24 2012, 12:51pm via the Evolution vs Creationism forum on


  4. On a side note my blog has almost 8,000 views if you check the lower bottom right side of it, scrolling down until you see how many views it actually has which is almost 8,000.

    I leave you coward, troll and hypocrite with this advice:

    "In response to those you speak of on, it doesn't bother me that they speak their mind. Remember this though, "Anybody can say anything they want to through the internet. Why? because they have the screen to hide behind. These are unfortunately, in reality, true-life cowards because these types of people would never have the guts to stand up for what they believe in and say it to your face." I've been in situations like that before." - Maj. Joe F. U.S. Army Chaplain (Ret.)

  5. *My almost 1,000 friends on facebook know of this.

  6. Yeah, you can delete any number of comments you like, you twisted little f*ck. it doesn't change the fact that you're one sick boy & need some EST quick-sharp.

  7. You might also note that only a few members of are supporting johnsen, so I think the headline " vs is wrong.

  8. wow you really are thicker than dogshit man...get told not to post stuff like this, so you go about continuing to post stuff like this bad mouthing anyways...your going to get yourself banned off this blog completely if you keep it up...actually yes, keep it up & get yourself banned from here you pathetic excuse for a human

  9. I just came across this blog, and I have to say, you NEED to remove the headline/title of this blog. This is NOT Cryptomundo vs. Why would you even post that?? How dare you make assumptions like that. John Johnsen is a member of, but he is NOT has NOTHING to do with this lawsuit. So, I would suggest to rectify this situation...immediately.


    i rest my case about you getting yourself thrown off
