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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Does Bigfoot really exist or not? Part 1 In Search of Bigfoot...

Is their a creature that lurks in the woods that is half man and half ape possible and stands over 7 feet tall, weighs over 500 pounds and can rip a man in half?

According to the yes their is in fact such a creature that exists and that has been seen for centuries if not thousands of years in many parts of the world from North America here where I live to Asia and even Europe.

The bfro is one of my favorite sites and contains many interesting reports and accounts from various people and and Sasquatch which it the other term that Bigfoot goes by.

sources of encounters with Bigfoot

People from many different backgrounds have encountered this fearsome creature which is said to be at least 6 feet tall and 300 pounds in juveniles and at least 7 feet tall and 500 pounds or more in adult versions of the species.

It is sometimes hostile to humans and has been known to kill other animals for food.

This is from the bfro's website

What is a Bigfoot, or Sasquatch?

Regarding the origins of the words "Sasquatch" and "Bigfoot":

The term "sasquatch" is an anglicized derivative of the word "Sésquac", meaning "wild man". The original word, in the Stó:lõ dialect of the Halkomelem language, is used by the Coast Salish Indians of the Fraser Valley and parts of Vancouver Island, British Columbia.

Indian tribes across North America have a total of more than sixty different terms for the sasquatch.

"Bigfoot" was a journalistic term generated in the middle of the last century during a rash of sightings in Northern California. The word has come to be recognized widely.

Many different terms have been used by pioneers and later non-native inhabitants of North America, including

"skookums" and "mountain devils".

The description given here is derived from a compilation of thousands of eye witness reports from the entire continent, some of astounding length, detail, and corroborative evidence; the Patterson movie, taken in 1967, and a recent computer-based image analysis of it; and statistical analysis of a large database accumulated over the last fifty years, primarily by John Green.

W. H. Fahrenbach, 2002

Their are legends from hundreds of years ago here:

Pre-Columbian and Early American Legends of Bigfoot-like Beings

(From : Traditional Attitudes Toward Bigfoot in Many North American Cultures, By Gayle Highpine)

Originally printed in the Western Bigfoot Society Newsletter "The Track Record". Excerpted from "Legends Beyond Psychology", by Henry James Franzoni III. Reprinted with permission from all parties.

"Here in the Northwest, and west of the Rockies generally, Indian people regard Bigfoot with great respect. He is seen as a special kind of being, because of his obvious close relationship with humans. Some elders regard him as standing on the "border" between animal-style consciousness and human-style consciousness, which gives him a special kind of power. (It is not that Bigfoot's relationship to make him "superior" to other animals; in Indian culture, unlike western culture, animals are not regarded as "inferior" to humans but rather as "elder brothers" and "teachers" of humans. But tribal cultures everywhere are based on relationship and kinship; the closer the kinship, the stronger the bond. Man Indian elders in the Northwest refuse to eat bear meat because of the bear's similarity to humans, and Bigfoot is obviously much more similar to humans than is the bear. As beings who blend the "natural knowledge" of animals with something of the distinctive type of consciousness called "intelligence" that humans have, Bigfoot is regarded as a special type of being."

"But, special being as he is, I have never heard anyone from a Northwestern tribe suggest that Bigfoot is anything other than a physical being, living in the same physical dimensions as humans and other animals. He eats, he sleeps, he poops, he cares for his family members. However, among many Indians elsewhere in North America... as widely separated at the Hopi, the Sioux, the Iroquois, and the Northern Athabascan -- Bigfoot is seen more as a sort of supernatural or spirit being, whose appearance to humans is always meant to convey some kind of message."

"The Lakota, or western Sioux, call Bigfoot Chiye-tanka (Chiha-tanka in Dakota or eastern Sioux); "chiye" means "elder brother" and "tanka" means "great" or "big". In English, though, the Sioux usually call him "the big man". In his book "In the Spirit of Crazy Horse," (Viking, 1980), a non-fiction account of the events dramatized by the excellent recent movie "Thunderheart", author Peter Mathiessen recorded some comments about Bigfoot made by traditional Sioux people and some members of other Indian nations. Joe Flying By, a Hunkpapa Lakota, told Mathiessen, "I think the Big Man is a kind of husband of Unk-ksa, the earth, who is wise in the way of anything with its own natural wisdom. Sometimes we say that this One is a kind of reptile from the ancient times who can take a big hairy form; I also think he can change into a coyote. Some of the people who saw him did not respect what they were seeing, and they are already gone."

"There is your Big man standing there, ever waiting, ever present, like the coming of a new day," Oglala Lakota Medicine Man Pete Catches km told Mathiessen. "He is both spirit and real being, but he can also glide through the forest, like a moose with big antlers, as though the trees weren't there... I know him as my brother... I want him to touch me, just a touch, a blessing, something I could bring home to my sons and grandchildren, that I was there, that I approached him, and he touched me." People continue to see Bigfoot all the time. Granted some sightings of the creature may be mis-identifications of other animals and even things like trees, and other humans in hunting gear or a fake suit I would still say that at least 10% or more like 25% of all sightings are of a real creature that science and zoologists have  not yet identifed.

What creature(s) lurks out their in the shadows of the North American forests late at night and the rest of the world?
Only God knows.

And a few eyewitnesses.

(The above picture is from the movie and TV show Harry and the Hendersons)

Search for harry and the hendersons

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