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Saturday, July 5, 2014

My Own Paranormal Experiences...

I've always been into the paranormal, ghosts, UFO's and cryptozoology (Think of actor Dan Aykroyd  from Ghostbusters and I'm an Aspie like him as well) etc. since childhood and I've had strange things happen not only to me but in my family as well, such as the following and some of it relates to my mother and family, not just me:

1. My mother has always had premonitions and dreams of airplanes crashing or earthquakes and
sometimes they would come true the nest day or even just hours after she had them when watching
the news on TV.

2. My father died when my mother was 4 months pregnant with me. When I was only a year old,
maybe younger, I would tell my mom something about my dad, even though I never knew him
like "I saw dad the other day" and "I talked with daddy" similar stuff. A psychic on the radio
also told my mother one time that I was the reincarnation of my father! (I do have a memory
of wandering around these empty, silent, somewhat dark and creepy halls in a hospital, like near a morgue area, this memory may have taken place after my dad died and before I was born, I remember it starting
from a young age and I feel the hospital is either Little Company of Mary in Evergreen Park, IL
or Christ Hospital in Oaklawn, IL).

3. When my mother was sitting alone one evening or night at a park the swing next to her started swinging
by itself. No one else was present (I was several feet away playing I think) no wind, nothing. It was Summer
I think as well.

4. My mother whom is very religious once had a dream about The Virgin Mary and she was surrounded by
pure gold and she also spoke to my mother as well. This took place in my step-grandpa Ed's house in
Mt. Greenwood at the time in his basement I think where my mom was sleeping.

5. Some of my other family members (they were from Scotland/Ireland/Lithuanian on my mom's side
and German on my father's side and in terms of ancestry as well) would pass away with people
present like friends and other family members witnessing a vapor of some sort come out of their
chest and going upward then vanishing.

6. I remember as a child running in the dark at night through where I lived at, just for fun, but it always
seemed that I was chasing something, maybe imaginary, maybe not. I have to wonder  if I was chasing
ghosts or demons or if it was just my young mind at work?

7. I was living with my mother at my step-grandpa Ed's & grandma's house in Chicago's beautuil Mt. Greenwood  area (a few blocks away from St. Xavier University) and in the middle of the night one time looked out into Ed's small backyard through a bedroom window and I swear I saw or at least thought I saw 3 dead dogs, all white in color. I told woke up my mom, told her but she didn't see anything.

8. Strange faces in tree's at my Godparents house (Peggy and Martin) in Palos Hill's, IL in their average to moderate sized backyard and it was behind this house (accross their backyard) where a woman neighbor was murdered one Summer in 1995 by her husband. Being Catholic, Martin put up a cross in  his yard to protect against evil spirits. Still... Strange. Maybe my own imagination and mind at work. Then again, maybe
not. Who knows?

9. One time in the middle of the night when I was living in Midlothian, IL our microwave which a Pastor friend brought us (it was used but almost like new, as our old one had broke so she donated it) read 666
on it. I quiackly erased it, unplugged it and maybe said a prayer or two. I was kinda freaked out for a
few weeks after that. It was dark in the kitchen and that was the only light on besides the moonlight
illuminating the small kitchen area through a window.

10. In the same Midlothian apartment I saw a shadow, a man in orange one night walking through my room
then vanishing into a wall. I ran so fast out of my bedroom I hurt my shoulder by banging it into a wall!

11. A strange whistliling sound (maybe an auditiry hallucination?) that I've heard for many years throughout my life of a man whistling. Sometimes it loud, sometimes it's soft. It really creeps me out when I hear it sometimes though.

12. Feelings of being touched, tickled, patted on the back, hair touched and sometimes screaming when I wake up (see my thoughts on #11 above) that I had for a while. I don't exp. them anymnore which is good.

I've got more stories but those are mainly non-paranormal in nature (including dreams and nightmares but excluding dreams of dead relatives) like what you'd see on Reddit assorted along stories of the paranormal.

Also: I did see a UFO once over Midlothian, IL and one through a window at a Walgreens in
Oaklawn (maybe Chicago Ridge?) during the 90's. They looked like round metallic objects just floating there in the air. These sightings occurred during the daytime btw (and one time in Midlothian I also saw a fighter jet pass close to my apt. building window as I lived on the 3rd floor which was cool!)

So there you have it! These are my stories.... -Rob

p.s. It is important to be aware of medical conditions (I havee Type 1 Diabetes myself since age 12 now almost 30) and know the basics of psychology, general science, building construction, logic, critical thinking, forensics, CSI, investigation and other areas when dealing with any typr of paranormal event in order to rule it out.

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