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Saturday, June 30, 2012


While cryptozoology enthusiast and 'want-da-be-real Cryptozoologists' guess, ponder, theorize then argue, post redundant posts, fuss over what Bigfoot could be eating and must surely look like, they then go shake a few local bushes, photograph muddy tracks of seldom seen bears, bold raccoons, rushed deer and human made hoaxes - they do this after dumping the cold bitter morning cowboy coffee into the weeds, ignoring an undiscovered frog, toad or lizard that is now drenched in coffee bean juice - they leave the camp for an evening hike, to bait a few areas and set a few trail cam's, as they fasten the cam-strap to the big old oak tree the frightened Ivory-billed woodpecker flees to safety, never noticed, never reported, never documented...

The next morning, with the stealth of a marching band they pack up their equipment, again alerting a curious out-of-place large cat that was resting in a nearby tree, as they return from the woods in a car parked not that far away, they proudly carry a baggie full of coyote poop and hair samples of a neighborhood captive chimp that some damn bird scavenged for last years nest and again listen to last nights tapes of Bigfoot tree knocks, calls and limbs breaking, as they recall a dark shadow that was seen on the distant path...never considering the reality of the sights and sounds - a hunter was placing a new deer stand up for next years hunt and a fox was fighting with a rival and an old lonely fisherman was walking to his favorite late night fishing spot...

For the next two months or decades they stand by their investigation as Bigfoot proof and solid evidence, becoming more sure with each question of doubt they flatly reject...

By: Jerry D. Coleman


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