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Friday, October 14, 2011

Signs you might be having a Bigfoot/Sasquatch encounter!

Signs you might be having a Bigfoot/Sasquatch encounter!

There are many signs to be aware of when a person
is out in the wilderness, either alone by themselves,
with a pet or with some company when all of a sudden
things get quiet and strange things start happening in
the woods or surroundings around them.

Often times, while other explanations are available,
sometimes all evidence points to a Bigfoot/Sasquatch
encounter taking place.

These encounters tend to happen at night and while
camping, walking, hiking, or even driving in some cases
as well as near people's houses who live near wooded areas
and habitats that are secluded or at least somewhat secluded.

Here are some signs to be aware of for when you go
out and venture into the woods esp. in a place that has
had sightings and reports of Bigfoot/Sasquatch:

1. You hear growls, yowls, whispering, chattering,
strange talking, and screams that are powerful and
fear inducing. You may be familiar with animal calls
and cannot identify these types of calls.

Bigfoot/Sasquatch use these types of
calls to communicate with one another,
scare off humans, territorial reasons,
mating, etc.

Typically some animals may be responsible
for these types of calls and vocalizations such as cougars,
mountain lions, coyotes, wolves, bears, etc. but more often
then not a Bigfoot/Sasquatch is responsible esp in areas that
have a high number of sightings and reports of Bigfoot/Sasquatch.

2. If you are camping you hear you camp being circled by
something walking on two feet or even more then one creature
circling your camp.

Some reports indicate that Bigfoot/Sasquatch do in fact circle
people's campsite's when they are camping alone or even with
friend and/or family.

The reason a Bigfoot/Sasquatch my do this is because they are
curious as well as territorial creatures who may investigate a
human presence in their territory along with the strange noises,
smells, food, etc. that humans bring along with them.

They may also be attracted to any fire in the camp's vicinity
or even small children or pets even women.

3. You hear twigs snap and trees being broken without
the use of any machines nearby or wind blowing.

Typically Bigfoot/Sasquatch like to break trees,
bend them and even uproot them as well as
snap branches and twist them. Twigs and
fallen tree branches may also be walked
upon by Bigfoot/Sasquatch and broken
not by their hands but feet.

The reason why they do this is unclear but it could be
another method of communicating to each other or
simply defending their territory.

4. You hear heavy footsteps from a bipedal source
and/or heavy breathing. This is typical of what people
hear coming from a Bigfoot/Sasquatch.

This happens to some people who have encountered
these creatures while camping in a wooded area or
sleeping in a home near one that can support a

Some witnesses report heavy footsteps, breathing and
even snorting coming from these creatures though not
all the time and certainly not in all cases.

5. You are walking alone at night or with a pet maybe
a friend or riding a bicycle. You feel as if someone is
watching you or that you are being followed maybe both.

This happens to people who have encountered these
creatures in some reports of Bigfoot/Sasquatch encounters.

While not all of these reports may be of a Bigfoot or Sasquatch
at least half are in my own opinion.

People report being watched or followed. Typically a Bigfoot or
Sasquatch will imitate a person and will walk when they walk
and stop walking when they stop walking. They may also run
if a person runs then stop when they stop running. The reason
for this is unclear to me but may be stalking or playful behavior.

Some people report an uneasy feeling and also a feeling of
being watched as well during these encounters.

Also on a side note, many people report the smell of wet dog hair, rotten eggs,
sulfur, garbage, urine, feces, etc. when a Bigfoot/Sasquatch is nearby.

If you feel you are ever having a Bigfoot/Sasquatch encounter
or are being stalked by one here some guidelines I've come
up with:

1. Do not panic no matter what!

.2. Walk in a calm manner to the nearest
place where you can seek shelter or take
refuge such as a car, house, campsite, or
even boat. If you cannot seek shelter head
to the edge of a lake or source of water or
nearest town or neighbor if possible. Climb
up a tall tree as a last resort if you feel
threatened or are being stalked.

3. Use a flashlight, pocket lighter or
start a fire to keep away any Bigfoot
or Sasquatch that you feel may intend
to do you harm. This works well to keep
them away esp. if you shine any bright
light n them.

4. Do not be afraid to call 911 if you
have a cell phone.

5. Do not try to intimidate, scare
or hurt any Bigfoot or Sasquatch as
this may only anger or confuse them.

Anyone who wants to add anything to this go ahead!



"The inclination to believe in the fantastic may strike some as a failure in logic, or gullibility, but it’s really a gift. A world that might have Bigfoot and the Loch Ness Monster is clearly superior to one that definitely does not." — Chris VanAllsburg

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