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Friday, April 4, 2014

Graveyard Shift workers of Reddit crazy, unexplained, odd, strange, unbelevable stories and events

Taking from my Facebook page:

Haunting's do exist and I suspect they are nothing more then simple recordings on the environment, sound mainly, recorded unto the environment under certain conditions, in certain area's that are high stress-high emotion places like Hospitals, Mental Institutions and other places where human emotions run high (I have to wonder about death camps and gas chambers regarding this issue).

These emotions are recorded onto the environment, like a tape recorder, but may also include images and actions such as doors being opened, and played back under the right conditions. Certain people may be able to pick them up more then others.

See story below for an example:

"I work at a hospital overnight.

One disturbed patient claimed to be jesus. He clawed his eye out, popped it and ate it before he was restrained. Very disturbing.

Many employees claim this hospital was haunted. I thought it was nonsense. A few things happened here, that's given me a belief there's more to people than a heart beat.

They close 4th floor occasionally. It used to be a baby ward. I was up there when I heard a baby crying. I called security. He heard it too. No baby anywhere. One night I was assigned to strip and wax a few rooms up there. While starting a door slammed shut across the hall. I called out who was there. Nobody was. Looking in the room, no air flow, no windows opened. I calmly took my equipment and left. The next day my boss asked me why I didn't do my job. I said I don't get paid enough to deal with doors that slam by themselves.

By far the creepiest. I was cleaning two rooms after patients left. They were connected. There was one exit. I cleaned the first room. Left for 10 minutes, got my supplies and went back to the other. I saw a little old lady in a chair, hunched oveer. I stared at her for a few sconds, thought it was odd they put a patient in already. Two female nurses ask if I was sitting in the chair. They get scared. Nope, it was an old lady. Well, I check. Room is empty. She disappeared. I would have seen if she walked passed me. Creepy. No one on the floor fit the description I gave of her - except the lady who died in the room 4 hours before my shift.
I work in a very old hospital. I hear whispers, see shadows, and sometimes more. I am very skeptic but seeing a ghost would be neat."

Graveyard Shift workers of Reddit, what crazy, creepy, unbelievable things have you seen working in the dead of night?

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