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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Advice for any paranormal researcher/ghost hunter/parapsychologist

Advice for any paranormal researcher/ghost hunter/parapsychologist and anyone else into related topics (e.g. Cryptozoology, UFO's, etc.) would be to:

1. Always investigate and evaluate all claims, story's and eyewitness testimony

2. Use investigative techniques that police/detectives use if applicable

3. Be familiar with what constitutes as evidence and how to treat and examine it, also be familiar with any equipment you use, how use it properly and repair it

4. Having at least a general education helps greatly the fields of basic science/related fields, zoology, aircraft, old building hazards and building construction, geology, weather/meteorology, CSI techniques, psychology, medical conditions, interviewing techniques, doing research, taking evidence and notes, how to tell when someone is lying by eye movement/body language, logical fallacies, critical thinking, knowing first aid, local history of area you are investigating, etc.

5. Conducting basic/general research, asking questions, doing interviews, taking notes on paper/tape recorder, writing computer reports, etc.

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