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Monday, April 18, 2011

Banned From!

"First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win." -Mahatma Gandhi

Motion For Permanent Ban Z.Z. Sat, Apr 9 2011, 11:58am

Also Stu was stalking me on and facebook. I
had to block him and some others.

Has Robeit Kiehn been banned from Stu Sun, Apr 10 2011, 1:10pm

(Note that Stu misspelled my name on purpose for some reason. He kept posting m name several times as did others for no reason. Creepy!)

Take a good look on this forum. Compare my posts
to ZZ's, Stu's, Rainbow Medicine Man's and other about me.

I was a member of since 2009
and a visitor of the site long before that since it
started roughly a decade ago or more.

But that all changed when a militant atheist, whose
name is ZZ, decided she did not like my opinions
and viewpoints and petitioned to have me banned.

And guess what? It worked. ZZ got her wish.

I came on's debate forum
simply to debate and express my opinions
and views on various issues such as religion,
Christianity, atheism, theism, evolution,
creationism, intelligent design, and
many other topics.

Most of the people on
are atheists and would constantly use
underhanded tactics on the debate forum
including logical fallacies such as generalizations,
ad homs, and insults, lies, accusations, slander,
libel and even stalking.

I took the worst of it.

ZZ would say the most horrible things about me
calling me scum, bigot, intolerant and many other bad
and insulting names for no reason, sometimes for simply
disagreeing with her.

Stu and other such as Rainbow Medicine Man, NM, Gerry,
low,.Irish and others would do the same sometime going
as far as calling me and other Christians and theists like
Hootowl, redwood777, Mysterious Mellisa, PT22 and a few
others words like inhuman and monster.

Stu started acting and posting creepy things
such as my real first and last name name for
no reason which was uncalled for, taunting
me, and stalking me not only on
but also my facebook page resulting me in having to
ban him.

I admit, I posted some stupid and offensive things
on the evolution vs creation forum which I am sorry for,
but not as insulting as what some of these militant atheists
posted such as ZZ, Stu, low, Irish and others. At times I
tried to give them a taste of their own medicine but it
just made them worse.

I took the brunt of it. I went on the site I admit to take
some of the heat off of Hooty and redwood.
Some of the other Christians like hroth and smacks
seem to be respected for some reason, mainly because
they are theistic evolutionists and not creationsts or ID advocates.

This is unfair that I was banned. I wrote an email to Cisco
asking him why and if their was any way I could appeal.

He has not responded yet and this was over a week ago.

Please be careful of going on this site's forums which
are full of trolls.

Please have a look on the forum. Compare ZZ's, Stu's and other militant atheist's comments and posts to mine. Many people and friends that I know agree that much of their behavior, like my banning, was rude, insulting, indecent and uncalled for.

The owner of the site Cisco went along wit hit and has still not responded
to my email that I sent him. The Moderator of the forum, Jim, does not
moderate excecpt once in a while maybe.

Among those who agree with me on this issue are Pastor Joe,
my intellectual half Asian and Jewish friend Roy and others.

"It's hard to be a bright light in a dim world." -Gary Starta

Never lose sight of your goals, never back down.

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